Here's just a small sampling of the what AVG can do with you.
Brand Ambassador & Sponsorship programs
AVG helps you strengthen and protect the value of your brand. Brands have become cultural and social, a collaborative expression of the organization’s mission and the experience of the community. Every transaction, whether it’s a sponsorship, outreach program, wearing team jerseys, customized canopies or flags, is a part of that experience. We seek to utilize these opportunities to foster an emotional connection with our clients and sponsors,. End result: a long lasting love affair with your mission and your brand. Let AVG help you meet your targets – 14,000 feet above earth..
TAndem jump with Mike elliott
Mike Elliott personal inspirational tandem program is designed to empower you with life changing skillsets to help you achieve the consistent results you demand in the most important areas that you deserve in your life.
Our Hometown Heroes Program is designed to showcase someone from your area that has sacrificed time and effort to better your community. A local hero may include but not be limited to: an average citizen who saved a life, a renowned teacher, a community humanitarian, a firefighter, a paramedic or police officer. This program is not an award but a way to say thanks to Americans that have done great things. Which is consistent with the great things Veterans have done for their country.
Our jump is important because we introduce these concepts and then also educate them on ways to live more fully. The tandem jump symbolizes having made that choice. Working with AVG is perfect because you are representative of a group of people who have made that commitment.