28 Shows in a MONTH

The month of September is winding down and we’re closing out one of the busiest months not only of the year, but of our history. This month alone, we will have completed 28 shows across the country! And as an added bonus, we hit over 50k page likes and hit over 75,000 followers with a base reach of over 5,000,000.

That’s FIVE MILLION! A lot of zeroes on that number…

It takes a tremendous amount of coordination and planning and teamwork to make all of that happen. From filing the FAA documentation to planning out exit points down to the second over a show site… We wouldn’t have it any other way!

And we are humbled and proud to serve you.

This incredible band of teammates is like nothing we have ever experienced. We range from all corners of the military, community leaders, home town heroes, family members. We even have our own little “Mini Ground -” the son of one of our teammates who helps out on ground at some of our shows!

This. Is. A. Great. Team!

Keep your eyes on the skies and we’ll see you soon!
